FK Sarajevo Formation 2014

FK Sarajevo Football Formation

Creation DateMay 13, 2014

Lineup (4-1-3-2)

Bandović · Dupovac · Tatomirović · Hebibović · Puzigaća · Cimirot · Duljević · Bilbija · Stojčev · Bekić · Velkoski

The best of thee Football Club ''Sarajevo'', with two players that are probbably going to be members of this football club - Bekić and Hebibović. Great players, Bekić is a classic goalscorer, and Hebibović is a full back that is good while defending, but also has a great sence of going forward and being a part of offence. Bandović is a goalkeeper, sometimes he makes mistakes, but he is a reliable player who can save you from a disaster with his saves. Tatomirović is a fantastic defensive player but has no offensive qualities and that's why he didn't have that success on the position full back. He could be great center-back. He always plays with his heart, and he got an award from the fans for the player that gave 100% of him in every game. Dupovac is our captain, he improved dramaticcally this season and became one of the most important players. Puzigaća is a solid fullback with great passing and shooting. Cimirot is a fantastic player, one of the best in whole team, fantastic passing, and inteligence is what makes him good. Bilbija and Duljevic are on wings. Bilbija can play on few positions, mostly he is a winger or forward. Good player with great pace and stamina, Duljević is a new player, young - 20 years old, one of the greatest talents in Bosnia. Fantastic skills, passing and shooting. Stojčev is a playmaker, even though he has a 7 on his back, he is a perfect ''classic 10''. And Krste Velkoski, maybe the best player in this team, goalscorer, passer, anything you want, great intelligence, skills and pace. SARAJEVO ŠAMPION!