Cameroon Football Formation
Lineup (4-2-3-1)
Van Der Sar · Cannavaro · Baresi · Fachetti · Amoros · Tardelli · Gerrad · Kenny Dalglish · Rivelino · ENzo · Van BastenWe Will play a 4-2-3-1 Formation with Dalglish as SS/False 9.This is to Keep Possession and use Fachetti and Amoros on the Flanks and provide Support on the Wings.
Since Lack of Propers Winger Enzo and Rivelino will Try Make usse of the Flanks as much as they can.Attacks from their Flanks will be Countered by Gerrad andTardelli.
Tardelli will be the anchor Man and will try to take care of their False 9
The Formation wll be Used More Offensively but can shift to defensive with Tardelli and Gerrad supporting the Back Four.Enzo and Rivelino will the two Attacking Mids to look forward to with Kenny as SS it would allow Van Basten use his skills more Precisely.
Cannavaro and Baresi will try to Man-Mark Stoichkov and Messi by Zonal-Man Marking System.Jairzinho being taken Care by Facheeti with Support from Gerrad.
Offensive Duties of Gerrad would be making Box-to-box runs and thus making Opponent's Box Overloaded with Tardeli tracking back to Stop Counter Attacks.Our Game will consist of Proper Attacking Football.
With 2 Great CB Pairing and Gerrad and Tardelli supporting the Back four we should easily Get a Clean Sheet here.
ON WInning :
Around 60mins Neymar ON Enzo OFF
with Kenny and Rivelino shifting to Free Roles.
Around 80 Mins Dalglish OFF Frank De Boer ON switching to 5-3-2 formation to Strenghthen the Defense
On Loosing
Pele ON Dalgish OFF with now Rivelino playing in the Hole