Cameroon Football Formation
Lineup (4-1-4-1)
Maund (c) · Dowler · Mansfield · Borrows · Hewlett · Austen · Jacobs · LindsellLindsell: Primarily, you will need to hold the ball up so that we can get numbers forward or thread wide for austen and hewlett to whip the ball into the box. Heading is imperative for this scenario.
Austen/Hewlett: Stay wide, getting the ball in the box, drift inside on occasions and around half way swith with Hewlett/Austen.
Olly J: Dont be too adventurous with the long shots son. Don't be afaid to just drop it to Lindsell (the short pass), don't need the killer pass everytime.
Borrows: Just be your Nemanja Vidic-esque self. Good.
Dowler/Mansfield:- Don't 'faff' (in the words of OJ) about with it in our area. Get it out. Lindsell should be latching onto any loose balls.
Force Kelly wide, don't let him cut inside or be able to run along the byline (goaline).
On occasion, play as wingbacks, running up and down touchline, giving support. ONLY IF BORROWS S NOT OUTNUMBERED.
Key points:
-People MUST track back.
-More shots please. As long as suitable distance.
-Stay tight to attackers. No space for them to turn.
-Plenty of "one -twos"
Time: 20:55 hrs
Venue: The 'Stro.
Attire: COLOURS.
Someone bring a ball.
"When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea."
Eric Cantona