Fifa Team Football Formation
Lineup (4-2-1-3)
GK · LCB · RCB · LB · RB · DM · CM · CAM · RW · LW · STIn defence the fomation is a 4-2-3-1 however when attacking the formation reverts to a 4-2-1-3 with the wide attacking midfielders pushing forward to become wingers, whilst the central attacking midfielder holds back to create plays for his front 3 attackers as well as positioning himself to hit in a rebound. Alternatively the CAM could drop even further back or hold up play to allow for the CM to make a late run into the area and push men forward in an attempt to score a goal. This strategy was used by Jose Mourinho in his treble winning season at Inter (2009/10 season)
NOTE: the depicted formation is the attackin 2-4-1-3