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PSG Football Formation

Creation DateJune 27, 2024

Starting Lineup

Alain Zescher (£0 (Free Transfer)) · Feyan Tchoumane (£0 (Free Transfer)) · Lirian Campote (£0 (Academy)) · Azreia Rasca (£2,150,000 (Nacional)) · Viven Tarou (£0 (Academy)) · Arsen Dracuga (£3,850,000 (New York FC)) · Ludin Gratfu (£2,000,000 (WSG Tirol)) · Ousmane Xarkze (£0 (Academy)) · Vasili Ljuzelev (£1,000,000 (CSKA Sofia)) · Rudy Finch (£1,000,000 (Blackpool)) · Karzai Baramo (£0 (Loan from Napoli))

PSG was banned by UEFA for an year and forced it's owners Gieus to sell as Gieus were indefinitely banned for a football season (1998) .in December of 1997 due to financial misconduct and malpractices, Killing of a fan in their stadium , sexual misconduct by director and owners among other things and was forced to be sold to their new buyers La Fontaine group. PSG lost all its stars and best players as UEFA let them go on free and PSG was only allowed £12 million for their rebuilt. They somehow did it by loans, free moves and £10 million on Starters while £2 million on subs. They had a miracle season winning the Ligue 1 against all odds for the 3rd time in their history and Reaching the European Cup final. This was their starting 11. Thanks to striker Baramo and coach (ex PSG veteran) Andre Scarva (Legendary coach) who joined PSG to help them out of this mess.