Selangor Football Formation
Lineup (4-3-3)
Najmi · Qhaish · Raziq · Insan · Azim · Jayden · Dinesh · Hemendraan · Afiq · Adib · AdamThe players have good chemistry with each other as they have known each other for a long time. Adam is an exceptional striker because of his shooting power, pace, dribbling and many more which makes him the perfect person to play as a striker. As for Adib and Afiq, they are extremely good on the ball and they can do amazing skills and they are also very agile which makes them amazing in the winger position. Hemendraan has good vision and passing which would allow him to feed the attackers with good passes. Furthermore, Hemendraan can cover his area of the midfield with his knowledge as he takes the time to analyze the opponents attacking tactic. Moreover, Dinesh will be playing as center mid/ center forward as his attacking capabilities are very good. He can also mark the left area in midfield very well as that is one of his best qualities. Therefore, Hemendraan and Dinesh would fit the center midfielder position very well. Jayden is a very aggressive player who performs well in the midfield area and his defensive capabilities to recover the ball which is why Ive chosen him to play in the Center Defensive Midfield position. As for the four defenders, Azim and Insan will play Wingback as they have good pace and vision. They can also recover the ball back and make good tackles. For the center defenders, Ive chosen Qhaish and Raziq as they are the perfect fit for that position. They have the capabilities to react fast to any incoming attackers and break any plays that they are making. They also know how to make quick decisions to get the ball back from any incoming attackers. These four defenders are also good at marking any incoming players. Finally, the goalkeeper Najmi. It was a no brainer to choose because of how good this guy is at being a goalkeeper. He makes good decisions and can save the ball from many angles. He is also good in one on one situations. His reactions and diving is amazing which makes him the perfect person to be a goalkeeper in my team. This is the best team in the world and will dominate football for many years to come. Thank you.