Cameroon Football Formation
Lineup (3-5-2)
Ipoua · Omam Biyik © · Ndo · Womé · Olembé · Angibeaud · Mboma · Song · Njanka Beaka · Kalla Nkongo · Songo'oItaly Vs Cameroon - 1998 FIFA World Cup Group Stage B Game N°4 (17/06/1998)
CB NJANKA (Njanka Beaka)
SWP/CB KALLA (Kalla Nkongo)
RWB N'DO (Ndo)
DMF M'BOMA (Mboma)
CF OMAM-BIYIK (Omam Biyik)
Sustitutions: Job for Ipoua (46 mn), Tchami for Omam-Biyik (66 mn) and Eto'o for M'boma (66 mn)
Notes: Like in the previous game against Austria, the defenders Njanka, Kalla and Song didn't had a fixed position nor had a personal marking task either against the Italian attackers, they just played everywhere they liked (Though Song did really spent most of the time shadowing Vieri)
Job played as left CF, relocating Omam-Biyik as right CF
Eto'o played as CMF alongside Olembé
Incident: Kalla (43 mn) was sent off with a straight red after stamping Di Biagio; this relocated Song as central CB/SWP, Womé as left CB, Angibeaud as LWB and displacing M'boma slightly onto the right
Captained by: François Omam-Biyik | Rigobert Song
Short Free Kick: Patrick M'boma/Pierre Womé
Long Free Kick: Patrick M'boma/Joseph N'Do/Pierre Womé (Taken with both feet)/Salomon Olembé/Rigobert Song/Pierre Njanka
Free Kick 2: Pierre Womé
Left Corner: Pierre Womé/Didier Angibeaud
Right Corner: Joseph N'Do/Salomon Olembé
Penalty: François Omam-Biyik
Players to go up in freekicks and corners: Raymond Kalla, Rigobert Song, Patrick M'boma, Didier Angibeaud
Team Strategy
★Counter Attack
★Change Sides: Njanka/Kalla/Song | Ipoua/Omam-Biyik | M'boma/Olembé - After Kalla was sent off | Njanka/Song/Womé | Omam-Biyik/Tchami | Olembé/Eto'o
★Left Side Attack
★Right Side Attack