Cameroon Football Formation
Lineup (3-4-1-2)
Job · Omam Biyik © · Mboma · Olembé · Mahouvé · Womé · Ndo · Song · Njanka Beyaka · Bilong · Songo'oChile Vs Cameroon - 1998 FIFA World Cup Group Stage B Game N°6 (23/06/1998)
CB NJANKA (Njanka Beyaka)
RWB N'DO (Ndo)
AMF M'BOMA (Mboma)
CF OMAM-BIYIK (Omam Biyik)
Substitutions: Angibeaud for Olembé (68 mn), Tchami for Job (72 mn) and Lauren for N'Do (82 mn)
Notes: Cameroon had to win this game and hope that Italy, in the other final Group Stage Game, defeat or draw against Austria
They didn't make their job though, as they ended up drawing with Chile in a violent game
Like in the previous games, the Cameroonian defenders seemed to employ a free defending task rather than the common zonal/man marking plus a líbero defender approach, though for this time, stoppers Njanka and Song were slightly more restricted on their movement
For this game, M'boma was placed just behind the strikers rather than in the deep-lying midfield role that he was on the previous two games
Lauren' shirt name was "Etame Mayer"
Incidents: Song was booked for the second time on the tournament (7 mn), and was, in theory, suspended for the next game in case Cameroon managed to received all the positive results that could placed them on the Round of 16 Stage but then, he got himself sent off (51 mn) making him very unlikely to appear again on the tournament, all that relocated Mahouvé as left CB
Cameroon had a goal unfairly disallowed at the 58th minute which would have putted the scoreline 1-2 on their side
Lauren was sent off too shortly after his introduction (88 mn) after a cynical foul on Chile' Salas
Captained by: François Omam-Biyik
Short Free Kick: -
Long Free Kick: Pierre Womé/Joseph N'Do/Marcel Mahouvé/Michel Penseé/Didier Angibeaud/Jacques Songo'o
Free Kick 2: -
Left Corner: Salomon Olembé
Right Corner: Salomon Olembé/Pierre Womé
Penalty: François Omam-Biyik
Players to go up in freekicks and corners: Michel Penseé, Rigobert Song, Marcel Mahouvé, Patrick M'boma
Team Strategy
★Change Sides: Omam-Biyik/Job | M'boma | Njanka/Penseé/Song | Mahouvé/Olembé | Njanka/Penseé/Mahouvé | Angibeaud | Tchami/Omam Biyik
★Mark Key Player: Njanka on Salas | Song on Zamorano - Optional
★Left Side Attack
★Right Side Attack
★Counter Attack