RSC Anderlecht Formation 2011

RSC Anderlecht Football Formation

Creation DateAugust 13, 2011

Lineup (3-5-2)

Proto · Juhasz · Odoi · Deschacht · Kouyaté · Biglia · Canesin · Suarez · Legear · Jovanovic · De Sutter

3-5-2 because football is mostly played (and thus won) on the midfield.

Defence doesn't need much of explanation. The best (or rather the most reliable) players are on the field. Deschacht because he is just as good as Safari, but knows the team, playing style, ... better. Juhasz because he's the best Central defender we have. I choose Odoi over Wasyl (Gillet never crossed my mind), simply because I hope he won't receive as many yellow or red cards as wasyl does. Although the Wasyl-'Pre-Witsel' would always make the team.

In front of the defence: Biglia and Kouyaté. Their defencive skills as well as their will to recover the ball are excellent. They've also have more experience then let's say a Marecek, so easy choise.

The more offencive part of the team is much harder to choose. We've got great players who (in the best of circumstances) could be playing for other teams that have a higher international reputation (taking the last 15 years in consideration)

I xhoose for Suarez- Canesin-Legear because all 3 of them can force a game in the right way if they're fit. They didn't call Legear 'Mister Europe' in the EL 2 seasons ago just because he has a nice smile. Vargas could also be in this list, but I haven't seen him play in the RSCA-shirt, so I'm not adding him to the team, although he could substitute for all 3 of them.

the 2 people we need to score goals, according to me, are Jovanovic and Tom De Sutter. Simply put: they're our only options. I want the team to be filled with harmpony and teamspirit, so I don't want any rotten appels with stinky attitudes in the team. De Sutter has got an amasing piece of simple willpower. He wants to perform every match and wants to score. You know when he's on the field, because every match, I get the feeling he's playing like his life is at stake. Jovanovic is the leader we need on the field and with his left foot, just might be the person we need to lead this team to further glory.

The 3 leaders are in 3 lines: Jova-Biglia- Juhasz/Deschacht. People will listen to what they have to say, cuzz their status on- and off the field is one to respect.