West Ham United Formation 2020

West Ham United Football Formation

Creation DateMay 7, 2020

Lineup (4-2-3-1)

Hislop · Reid · Upson · Neill · Cresswell · Noble · Benayoun · Di Canio · Payet · J. Cole · Tevez

West Ham are another steadfast team in the PL. Not the most likeable but a great source of youth players. They are a mixed bag of good and bad seasons which can make them interesting to watch. I have tried to make a more creative and attacking team for enjoyment purposes. I feel the Benayouns and Payets certainly add some quality in the centre, whilst the ever present Noble, for me, is the kind of player every team needs - loyal and hard working. Whilst Tevez may be controversial for obvious reasons, he is still a world class player and I want this League to be as competitive as possible (plus I love watching him play). Di Canio and Cole offer some potentially exciting play out wide whilst the back five are the best I could do with what I had. Honourable mentions are Parker, Ashton, Green, Konchesky and when I looked at the highest goal scorers in their history, surprisingly Carlton Cole! Captaincy goes to Noble, for the same reasons he is in the team. The manager was a tough one, but I went with Alan Pardew. Whilst I am not a big fan of his, I thought he did very well with the team. Additionally when we played them in the FA cup I found them a likable team.